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Muscle cramps-Fixing and helping recover cramps

Common Cramps

World-class athletes have been troubled by them, swimmers often complain about
them - but muscle cramps can happen to anyone, anywhere. Sudden, painful and
involuntary contractions of muscles are called as cramps. Lasting from couple of
seconds to few minutes, muscle cramps can be extremely painful.
When muscles contract involuntarily and are unable to relax, they squeeze the nerve
endings causing unbearable pain.

Muscle cramps can trouble you while exercising, sleeping even during your day-to-day
activities. Everyone is susceptible to cramps, with the aged being more vulnerable while
doing strenuous activities.

Common occurrence of muscle cramps in the body

• Thighs
• Calf
• Feet
• Abdomen
• Hands

Types and causes of muscle cramps

• Overuse of muscles during strenuous activities leading to muscle fatigue
• Insufficient supply of blood and nutrients to an exercising muscle results in muscle
True cramps - The most common type of cramps involving a single muscle or a group of
muscles that perform the same function. These may occur while you are doing the
activity or after few hours.
Though the exact cause for muscle cramps is not known, they can be triggered by a
variety of reasons:
• Dehydration - Loss of fluids from the body due to sweating can lead to cramps.
Exercising or doing vigorous activities under the sun also causes dehydration.
• Insufficient levels of minerals such as Sodium and Potassium - Muscle weakness
and cramps are known to occur in any condition that leads to low levels of
minerals in the blood. These can be due to nutrient-deficient diet, dehydration
or excessive vomiting. Pregnant women most often complain about cramps due
to low levels of Calcium.
• Lying or sleeping in the same position for long can lead to rest or night cramps.
The pain usually awakens the sleeping, affecting the sleeping patterns
• Leg cramps are common during pregnancy due to weight gain and changes in
blood circulation. Athletes also suffer from these cramps due to over use of calf
and thigh muscles.
• Some medications are also known to cause cramps as they deprive the blood of
The less common cramps include Contractures (muscles unable to relax even after a
long time) and Dystonic cramps (involuntary contraction of muscle that may cause
abnormal movements). The muscle cramps that most people suffer from are the true

What are the symptoms of common muscle cramps?

• Sudden, sharp pain
• Hard lump forms in the area of cramp
• Red swelling
• Weakness or fatigue

What is the treatment of muscle cramps?

Most of the cramps can be treated by taking rest and does not require the person to be
• If you get muscle cramps while doing strenuous activity, then immediately put a
stoppage to it.
• Get lot of fluids that can replenish the lost minerals from the body. Physiotherapists
advise more intake of water, juices and some sports drinks to replenish the lost minerals
from the body
• Gently massage the cramped area
• Do stretching exercises
• Hot or cold packs would also help in easing the pain
• Over-the-counter medicines also help in relieving the pain
• Take a warm shower to relax the muscles
However, consult the doctor, if:
• Pain is severe
• Cramps trouble you frequently
• Home treatments do not relieve you from the pain
How can muscle cramps be prevented?
• Exercise regularly
• Stretch before and after you exercise
• Ensure that the body remains hydrated
• Avoid strenuous activities under the sun
• Eat a healthy diet enriched with all the necessary nutrients and minerals. Consult a
dietician to make a diet chart for you. You can also take multi-vitamin tablets after
consulting with your doctor or dietician
• Frequently massage the muscles
• Correct your posture while sleeping – use pillows to prop up your legs
Are there particular concerns for older adults?
Like most of the other body parts in the elders, their muscles too wear out and function
less effectively:
• Once contracted, muscles do not relax immediately. This makes them more vulnerable
to cramps.
• Older people tend to lie down in the same posture for long. This puts pressure on their
muscles leading to night or rest cramps.
• If elderly persons are frequently troubled by muscle cramps, they need to consult a
doctor to find out whether it is an indicator for any underlying medical condition.

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